SUNDAYS: 9am & 11am

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You know there must be more to life...

We think so, too!

Pursue Jesus

Coming into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is not a one-time event, usually. It’s a journey. We would love to travel this journey with you!

A Place To Belong

You don’t have to believe everything about Jesus before belonging to this community. As we belong, we grow in faith… and even if you never believe, we welcome you here. Come make some friends!

Love People

Life changing love defines us. Before a lot of words, we serve people. When asked, we talk about Jesus. He has brought grace and love to us!

"Together as family we are loving others to Jesus"




Connecting to a church can be overwhelming, right? We want to help you be at ease when experiencing Norkenzie. Our church is dedicated to helping you come to know and grow in Christ. You can make some friends and make a difference here! 


Click below for some FAQs and a map to Norkenzie!



Have children? Teenagers? Awesome! How about College Students? We've got you covered. We have a ministry for your child no matter what age.

We love the next generation and understand the importance of having a safe environment for them to have friends and learn about Jesus.


Marcus Omdahl

Study God's Word with us on Sundays and all week!


Neil Johnston

Lead Pastor

Neil has been serving with Norkenzie since January 2000. He and his wife, Alisa, have 7 children and 5 grandchildren! They also served in the community for 13 years as foster parents.


Neil loves Jesus, preaching the Gospel and building teams for the church's mission. He is active in the City Church and a leader in our local church planting network. If you need a strong cup of coffee, he's your guy!


Marcus Omdahl

Family Discipleship Pastor

Marcus is married to his beautiful wife Carrie. They have three kids: Ada, Rowan, and Gavin. Marcus has a bachelor's degree in preaching from Boise Bible College and a master's degree in theology from Lincoln Christian Seminary.


Marcus loves reading, running, skiing, and piddling around in the garden. Together as a family, the Omdahl's love camping, paddle boarding at the lake, and having tea & treats on the front lawn.

Pat O'Donnell

Youth Pastor

Pat has been involved in Norkenzie's Youth Ministry for over 30 years. It has been his joy to serve as our Youth Pastor... He loves our Youth!


Terri is Pat's 'better half' and has also given much heart to the ministry. Pat & Terri have been married since 2005. 


Real life and discipleship mark Pat's life and ministry. It's a little zany at times, but you'll get used to it. 

Lori Gant


Lori joined the team in the Fall of 2016. She loves helping the Norkenzie staff and ministries accomplish all that they hope for in the Mission of Jesus.

Lori met Cory Gant while attending Boise Bible College and has been hearing “Cory and Lori – that rhymes!” since their marriage in 1993. Together they are raising three wonderful boys with the goal that they would become men after God’s own heart.

Isaac Johnston

Interim Worship Director

Isaac grew up in a pastor's home... our pastor's home! So, loving Norkenzie comes easily for him. He is passionate about seeing people connect with God through meaningful, authentic, Christ-centered worship! 


Isaac married Isabell in July 2022  and they have been blessed with a daughter!  He graduated  from Bushnell University with a degree in  Christian Ministries and Worship in May 2023. 



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